PTCB- Pharmacy Technician Certification Board Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTEC) Prep course




PTCB- Pharmacy Technician Certification Board

Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTEC) Prep course

Chapter 1: Medication Fundamentals
Drug Names and Classifications Understanding Therapeutic Equivalence Managing Drug Interactions and Contraindications Drug Forms, Strengths, and Administration Techniques Identifying Side Effects, Adverse Reactions, and Allergies Clinical Uses of Medications and Dietary Supplements Stability and Storage of Pharmaceutical Products Handling Narrow Therapeutic Index Medications Compounding Basics and Techniques Chapter 2: Federal Pharmacy Law
Safe Handling and Disposal of Pharmaceuticals Controlled Substances Regulations Compliance with Restricted Drug Programs FDA Recall Procedures and Compliance Chapter 3: Patient Safety and Quality Assurance
Managing High-alert Medications and Look-Alike Sound-Alike (LASA) Issues Error Prevention Strategies in Pharmacy Practice Importance of Pharmacist Interventions Adverse Event Reporting Protocols Prescription Verification and Hygiene Standards Chapter 4: Pharmacy Operations and Medication Management
Compounding Techniques for Non-sterile Formulations Essential Pharmaceutical Calculations Equipment and Tools in Medication Administration Effective Inventory Management Practices  

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